
I am a hardcore colourist and in my paintings I strive to exude chromatic abstractions through representational forms. My compositions inhabit a morbid space with a sense of serenity. I recount tales from the trite and transform them into the surreal. Through an exaggeration of hues I weave a mindscape of the irrational.


Have been painting since the past ten years and hope to do so till I stop breathing.

Influenced by clouds, barren landscapes, heights and time travel.

CHRONOLOGY of my works.


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Previously I have had great joy working as a projectionist and serving at an Irish pub in London.

Am an avid reader & a film connoisseur ( have pretty good experience in handling 16mm films ), have read a ridiculously large amount of fiction and sustain a deep fascination for South American and Portuguese literature. Since the past two years my fascination has shifted towards science and horror fiction, especially the works Lovecraft, Poe and J G Ballard.

I listen to stuff like Joy Division, The Smiths, Pixies and Kromestar.

Lived in Bremen, Germany from 2009 to 2011. During my time here I was fortunate to be a part of a local sub-cultural space and got engaged in creating artworks for the ZCKR label for their vinyl releases. The atelier I co-inhabited saw a conglomeration of art enthusiasts with a background of graffiti, techno music, theater performance, silk screen printing and juggling. Together with a friend I have been doing many silk screen motives for t-shirts which were then used at small markets and low-key festivals to generate money.

Rooted in Delhi now and I have been part of the Extension Khirkee Street Art Festival which was held in this city in 2012, and it was here that I painted my first large-scale mural.  Have been painting murals around India eversince.

I have traveled a little around the world through UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Austria. I can read + speak English very fluently & feel confident with Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam and German as well.

…  absolutely love swimming, red wine, dark coffee and cooking for close friends  …

contact me  – anpuvarkey [AT] gmail

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